Hello and welcome to my blog. Here I will share with you my passion about design, the internet, communications, branding and what talented amazing people are creating everyday.

TOP 10 LIST: 2007 Boomerang Awards

10-The company that makes those outdoor heating lamps must really be laughing since smoking indoors is outlawed.
9-Facebook is the new business card
8-Justice DJ music.
7-Le Proprio in house web design. Respect !
6-The Canoe bar is dry after 1 hour. BOOOOOOOOH.
5-Being an event sponsors : a great way to win a boomerang?
4-Denis Talbot : why and how much are they paying you?
3-Les "ballounes" Yahoo !
2-Fjord’s DC fashion style. Year after year, stylin'
1-Provokat. Nuff said.