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What my 4month old son taugh me about Marketing

What my 4month old son taught me about Marketing

Simon is 4months old today, woohoo! Born on XMAS day of 2007, he is my idol. He teaches me everyday about the simplicity and authenticity of every moment. The teacher/ student roles quickly become reversed, and I am fortunate enough to have someone as pure and strong as him to show me what I missed along the way. Until yesterday, I didn't think Simon knew too much about marketing. Lo and behold, he knows much more about it than I thought I did.

There he is, on his back, wearing nothing but a diaper and a toothless smile. He is content. He is in the moment. He is happy simply by moving and kicking his feet, His sometimes sucks his fingers and sometimes he doesn't. He is the epitome of happiness and zen.
Then out of the blue, a visitor, a relative, a colleague who dropped by, or any other member of the older-than-10 year-old-human-being-club shows up.

This person wants Simon's attention. Why? I am not sure yet. Everyone is compelled to sollicit Simon's attention, maybe because of his beautiful smile and energizing laughter. But I think it's not that. They want his attention because it serves them a purpose. Simon's attention is worth something. He is an audience. He is a content human being about to be solicited and interrupted for the sake of creating value. This value is in this case the happiness of seeing his smile, or even the bragging rights about being able to make Simon laugh. Oh well.

So how does one go about to make Simon smile and laugh? The tried and true method is the "wouagadagahoudaga" baby talk strategy. It is entertaining to see mature human beings drop about 9/10 of the social IQ in an instant to come up with a routine that will spike the interest of Simon. The simpler the better really. Classic phrases such as "yes you are cute, you are soooo cute, you know you are cute, yes you do", not only betray the lack of originality, but the fundamental disconnect between target audience and message. Simon really doesn't care. He was happy being. And then he was interrupted. This drives advertisers/people to amplify their buffoonery at soliciting his attention. Eventually Simon laughs. Maybe he's figured out how silly these people really are and he starts paying attention. At this point it is impossible to know if he laughs and or with them, but I digress. Positive reinforcement kicks in and the advertiser remembers the last thing he did before said-smile/laugh and he repeats its over and over to have the same expected response. All is well. Until we bring up the creative churn rate. Simon is smart. He can also get bored. Eventually he realizes these buffooneries really don't do anything for him. Entertainment value, sure, it has some. But when the initial thrill is gone, that value becomes nill. "GIVE ME SOME VALUE" he would say if he could speak. "DON'T INTERRUPT ME IF YOU'RE GONNA BORE ME WITH YOUR MINDLESS BOZO ROUTINE"...eeesh he might have sounded a bit grumpy, but wouldn't you be grumpy too if theres a creative popularity contest going on around you based on who can solicit your attention best. Hold on a sec, there is such a contest going on.

So whats someone to do for Simon's undying attention and focus. Well bottom line: have something not just good but great to give him. Value can take many forms, entertainment is one. Food is another. Making his life better, improving something in his life should be the priority of anyone trying to solicit his attention. I, for one, have figured something out. Despite all the baby talk brouhaha, I have my secret weapon. I know he is ticklish and loves to have tummy tickled. He genuinely enjoys it and that's how I 1st heard him laugh at the top of his lungs. Moral of the story, don't be a buffoon with the people you market to, find their tickle spot and be essential for them. That is what Simon taught me about Marketing.

Top 10 APril 25: Montreal Is blooming: keep ur eyes on the road

TOP 10:

1.Hockey fever: GO HABS GO!!!! It's official, Montreal has lost it's mind over hockey. It's alright though, I've been told by a judge and an emergency doctor that crime and injuries have been on teh downside ever since the Habs have been in teh payoffs. I guess those 2 werent paying attention during the riots, but thats the beauty of averaging things out.

2.The weather! I know it can sound pathetic to a non-Montreal, but weather here is serious stuff. No kidding Météomedia is one of the most visited websites, and weather here could be compared to soccer in latin american countries. It's critical to the well being and functionning of our nation. People know more about barometers and anti-cyclones and cold fronts than they understand about the house of commons. And in the last 3 weeks, weather has been good. So people are happy. That and lets remember that Montreal in the summer is an inspiring site. ;-)

3.TQS loses news. That is huge news! The same morning CBC announces internal reorgs. Traditional media is in somewhat of a bind. I am writting a longer post specifically to address this, but essentially, it's a big WE TOLD YOU SO.


5.Avinash Kaushik rocks. Even if Google Analytics doesn't rock my world so much lately, I think Avinash is great. Saw him and chatted some up with him in Montreal last week, and very impressed. This pluggin for Google Analytics (sigh) is actually really cool. Take the time to instal it, it's not an intuitive instalation but try it, it works after a couple of bugs are ironed out. It works and answers the simple question "WHO IS SENDING ME UNUSUAL TRAFIFC"

6.BonjourQuebec and URLS: Amazing post by Michelle Blanc, her post rocks! She actually scooped everyone on this news, letting everyone know that you could find an adult website on a governmental url (with a slight twist).

7.How many planets do we need to sustain your lifestyle?
Shameless work self promo.

8. Very clever POP-UP video application by Revolver 3, works amazingly and is loads of fun.

9.Ile-sans-fil is a lifesaving tool. Especially when you can work and eat at the same time at le Titannic, hmmmm, Coconut Chicken.

10.The twitter posts of Marco Gervasio. Clearly the most inspiring, refreshing and sobering part of my day.