Hello and welcome to my blog. Here I will share with you my passion about design, the internet, communications, branding and what talented amazing people are creating everyday.

Quick post about PRINT

Apparently it's about to die anytime soon now...
Despite the apparent #FAIL of it's advertising model, print is doing fine.
Why? Well these examples all happened in the last 2 hours.

  • My 2 year old still insists that we read him his story books 20 times a day. Despite having Youtube, VOD, DVD and TV available. Of all digital natives and theories about media consumption, he should be all jazzed up on the kindle, the zune (pffff) and fitted with a jet pack by now.
  • I'm psyched to find the latest ski magazine in the mail and actually read every page and every ad.
  • I'm also just as psyched to find a magazine type brochure the next day from Nordica in the mail, and despite the obvious penchant for lifestyle and product showcase, I still love it!
  • It's 21:50 and the only good thing in the 500 channels on TV is Voir, a TV cultural show based on the free weekly paper in Montréal. Talk about cross media ey?
  • I'm in the midst of moving and I just through out close to 200 data and music CDs. bah, I can always find it later or get a copy from a friend. Books on the other hand, I just finished packing 8 boxes.

    Ok these examples might be circumstancial at best. But come on. Print is still around for a while. Give the doomsday scenarios a rest.