Somehow I'm sure we're going to be seing many more of these. David Byrne from the Talking Heads and the New York Department of Transportation put together a very cool looking project to customize bike racks. Very simple, great photo opp for tourists and simple to implement. Dunno how much they would cost, but I would say it's dirt cheap in terms of wow factor.
"Byrnes’ rack creations are spread through the two boroughs and follow an appropriate theme depending on their landmark location. For example, Ladies Mile has a rack shaped like a high heel; The Villager has one shaped like a dog; and Wall Street has the fun yet obvious dollar sign. Next time you’re in New York be on the look out for them. They’re scheduled to be in place for just a year, but we’re sure more collaborations like this will pop up throughout the city."
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This made me think of the OFF=ON concept. Trendwatching came out with an interesting report on this phenomenon you can read here. I couldnt help but think of how far you can push #1 concept : Online symbols turned into objects nd now the NYC bike rack creation gives an interesting example of how simple the design can be.