Hello and welcome to my blog. Here I will share with you my passion about design, the internet, communications, branding and what talented amazing people are creating everyday.

Top 10: December 7th 2007

1- Sony advertising on Mac Rumours site.
I’m not really convinced by the strategy of placing Sony laptop ads on a die hard Mac lover site. Do you really think theres any hope of converting macusers with the most uber-basic display ads ?

2- Live ads.
There are people accross my screen. I love the execution on this campaign. I have no idea how to read Norwegian but I’m still laughing out loud.

3- Opinion Lab
Does anyone use Opinion Lab tools ? I’m especially interested in the AD FEEDBACK feature. I’ve seen some very promising features and apparently the back end reporting is out of this world.

4- A moment of philosophy.
Long tail distribution in human beings: general versus specific needs mold different templates of personalities. Isn’t the Long Tail just a example of a healthy bio diverse model. The more diverse an ecosystem is, the better and more adapted it is ?

5- The new social MIXX.
It makes all the sense of the world for a news media company to team up with social tagging startup Mixx, who’s users are snubbing the Digg Culture. I can’t say I’ve been using this new site but it’s looking good and fun to use. Update coming soon !

6- The land before the web
Will the next generation believe stories of the land before the web ? wikipedia, homework, cell phones, etc…It’s pretty impressive how quickly technology moved from comunicating to a daily appliance. Almost banale really, the light swicth goes on and the rest is magic. I just wanted to take a moment and thank all the little elves of the digital world for making the « light go on » everytime the switch goes on.

7- No comments? No blog for you!
If no one is talking back it’s not a conversation. So if you’re gonna blog, get ready to get some people talking back to you. Clearly it’s a sense of engagement from the user but also of respect by the blogger.
Great article in a great blog byMaggie Fox

8- McDonald report cards.
What might make sense in a marketing plan makes absolutely no sense from a community sense. I dislike this brand more and more every day. YA YOU HEARD ME RONALD, I DON’T LIKE YOU.
full article here

9- Infopresse Boomerang award list.
Very happy to see Cyberpresse picking up the interactive banner award. The banner was created by Generation Flash and is a great showcase of how updated RSS feeds can always keep banners fresh and up to date with current events. WOOHOO!
On another note, tidewave of awards for Provokat. hehe.

10. Comscore.
Please lets all put our thinking caps on and lets find a solution/ alternative.