Here is a selection of my latest Posted Items in Facebook:
Flash is suspect, to be not search engine friendly(SEF), unmanageable and not be bookmarked - the...
The Flash files - Flash-based sites are complex and unmanageable, they
can’t be optimized to be search engine friendly, nor can they be
bookmarked, and sending a URL of a specific page is next to impossible..
can’t be optimized to be search engine friendly, nor can they be
bookmarked, and sending a URL of a specific page is next to impossible..
Explanation and cheatcode of the new TomTom GO 720 mapshare feature
I've never respected the profession...
We've wondered previously who was going to use MySpace News (if ever), and now we've found the traffic source: Google. Framed pages of ..
I am sure that someone more clever than me has already had this idea, but let me take a stab at introducing a new concept .
I've never respected the profession...
We've wondered previously who was going to use MySpace News (if ever), and now we've found the traffic source: Google. Framed pages of ..
I am sure that someone more clever than me has already had this idea, but let me take a stab at introducing a new concept .
redditAll: alien artist blog: project for excellence in journalism lowers its standards, analyzes...
Thanks to an article by Joe Strupp in Editor & Publisher, I found a recent study on social news sites from the esteemed Project for Excellence in Journalism. OK, I don't really know if they're actuallyThe quartet of posters above was photographed in New York city over the weekend by a MacRumors forum jockey. Of course, this isn't the first time we've seen Nokia pounce on Apple foibles, and it certainly won't be the last. ...
The Break-Up' -- soon available on - is about the relationship between an advertiser and a consumer. They've agreed to meet in a restaurant. The man's feeling perfectly happy, until the woman makes a painful announcement: she wants a divorce.
Search and display advertising can benefit both your direct response and your branding goals. Here's the breakdown.
Walk into Steve & Barry's sprawling New York City store, and a perplexing sign greets you: DUE TO LIMITED SUPPLY AND TO BE FAIR TO ALL CUSTOMERS, STARBURY FOOTWEAR IS LIMITED TO TEN PAIRS PER PERSON,...
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