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Blair and Cameron take the battle for voters' hearts and minds to iPods

Advertising, Marketing, Media and PR News - Brand Republic

LONDON - Politicians are abandoning the hustings and taking to podcasts to get their messages across, with Prime Minister Tony Blair and new Tory leader David Cameron each delivering their offerings this week. Tony Blair's podcast is being hosted by The Sun , which trumpets that it is the first ever podcast by a British Prime Minister, and ranks with the first radio broadcast by Stanley Baldwin in 1924, and the first television broadcast by Neville Chamberlain in 1938. Taking the form of an interview with Sun political editor George Pascoe-Watson, Blair talks for five minutes on his new "respect" policies, which aim to restore considerate behaviour to the streets of Britain and punish trouble families. But Blair has been beaten to the record of being the first British party leader to put out a podcast, with the Daily Telegraph launching a seven-minute interview with Cameron yesterday.