This Round's on Satan
Suggestively kinky in-bar posters and placemats from DiMassimo Carr are intended to connect the dots with Duvel, a blonde Belgian ale with a kick.
According to the creative team of Sandy Weber Neidhart and Kevin Gentile, Duvel means devil in Flemish, and the premium-priced brew lives up to its name with an alcohol content of 8.5%. "It's a sensuous experience meant to be savored, and the 'Repent tomorrow' tagline invites consumers to let go and indulge, not only in Duvel but in their whole approach to the evening," they add. Then they pour on the beer porn: "Duvel is a very engaging beer, from the ritualistic slow pour, which creates an unusually large, lustrous head, to the signature swirl of bubbles that continually rise from the bottom of the glass." So in three ads there's a pair of one-guy, two-girl threesomes; we don't have to ask who the target is. "Yes, the beer is targeted more to men than women," they note. "However, the ads are really aimed at anyone who is open-minded enough to try new things." Like foreplay with an eggbeater. "Part of the fun of this campaign is that it's open to interpretation. If you see anything unorthodox going on here, that's all you, my friend." Oh, come on. Isn't it obvious the plunger is for removing the corn on the cob?