Online Ad Growth Accelerates, Outpacing Newspaper, TV Spending
Dec. 28 (Bloomberg) -- The move to online advertising is happening faster than analysts anticipated as companies devote more of their budgets to the Internet than traditional media.
The market for online ads will increase 32 percent to $16.6 billion next year, fueling growth at companies including Google Inc. and Yahoo! Inc., Credit Suisse First Boston analyst Heath Terry said in a research report. He had previously forecast 21 percent growth.
Sales of online ads that have animation, sound or interactive features will jump 66 percent next year to become the fastest growing area of Web ads, Credit Suisse predicts. Yahoo, the most-visited Web site, and No. 1 search-engine Google are winning business at the expense of publishers and broadcasters.
Read full Article on Bloomberg
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2005 in Review: The Top Search Industry Stories of the Year
2005 in Review: The Top Search Industry Stories of the Year
By Danny Sullivan, Editor
December 29, 2005
Search caught fire last year, with new tools, services and virtually constant activity. Here's a look back at some of the most memorable themes and trends of the past year year.
Your Search Utility: Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Developments With Consumer Search covers many of the things I said would be coming over this year which have gathered pace, especially the idea of the major players being our "search utilities" or "search providers" that we turn to for any search need, not just web search.
Search Advertisers Deserve Better: Search Engine Ad Reps: Friend or Foe? covers a crucial issue of those who helped build up the search market feeling like the search engines themselves now want to push them aside -- and the danger the search engines themselves may face in doing so. Google Separates Bids For Search & Contextual Ads illustrates how Google took three years later, to finally do what advertisers asked it to do from the very beginning. New Google AdWords Site Targeting Allows Advertisers To Pick & Choose is another long desired feature that finally came -- but even more control is still needed by advertisers from both Google and Yahoo, the industry leaders. Google AdSense For Domains Program Overdue For Reform -- And Yahoo & Microsoft Should Also Take Note also shows this, as well. Yahoo Apologizes For Ad Management Problems; Issues Case-By-Case Refunds covers the company that kicked off paid search -- Yahoo-absorbed Overture -- needing to make improvements. Meanwhile, Click Fraud Suit Names Google, Yahoo & Other Search Companies covers some old concerns not having gone away and instead entering the courtroom.
SEOers & Webmasters Get Perks, Need More: Google Base Live, Accepting Content, Google Sitemaps Expands To Give Query & Indexing Stats!, Yahoo Site Explorer Live: New Way To See All Your Pages, Links, Yahoo Bulk Submit Now Live, New "Google Sitemaps" Web Page Feed Program, Yahoo Search Issues Index Weather Report and Google, Yahoo, MSN Unite On Support For Nofollow Attribute For Links all cover the pretty phenomenal moves this year for the search engines to give site owners more control and new tools over how they are indexed. But there's much more that needs to come as Revisiting Hijacking & Redirects: Moving To A Solution and Proposed Search Engine Standard For Titles & Descriptions show as only two examples.
SEO Isn't A Criminal Activity: Worthless Shady Criminals: A Defense Of SEO covers why there are so many reasons everyone should embrace SEO yet it's become so twisted and disrespected in some quarters especially by those who should embrace it. Related is Can We Agree Automated Comment & Link Posting Is A Bad Thing? which covers a tactic that even some of the most aggressive search marketers hate and how a more common voice against it, even if it doesn't stop the tactic, might help the SEO reputation problem.
Search Gets Personalized: Google Personalized Search Leaves Google Labs and Yahoo Integrates Personal & Social Search with MyWeb 2.0 both show how personalized search results aren't just talk but here and now on the major players, real new third-generation leaps after on-the-page and link analysis. But search ads will also get personalized, as AlmondNet Debuts "Post-Search" Search Behavioral Ad Network covers as one example. As search engines learn more about us, Better Search Privacy Needs Addressing Overall covers why more reassurance of protection is needed.
The Link Economy: Yahoo's Jeremy Zawodny Caught In Link Selling Debate, Google's Matt Cutts On Link Selling: Sites Might Not Pass Reputation; Buyers Might Get Targeted More, O'Reilly In Debate Over Link Selling, Stanford Daily Removes Paid Links cover how the "no no" tactic of buying links has probably become more acceptable as the "link economy" the search engines themselves built won't be denied.
Establishing New Trust Signals In Search: Moving To Trusted Links & The Link Election Model, MSN Search Gets Neural Net/RankNet Technology & (Potentially) Awesome New Search Commands, Yahoo My Web: An eBay For Knowledge all cover how if the link economy means you can't take links at face value, search engines are looking at new ways to develop trusted links or other trusted sources to know what's best and good on the web.
Moving Toward Better Search Metrics: End Of Size Wars? Google Says Most Comprehensive But Drops Home Page Count covers a move that maybe, just maybe shows that we'll finally be moving on to seek new metrics to assess search engines by.
Terrible Misunderstandings Of Google Book Search: The Difference Between Google Print & Google Library covers the fundamental differences that many people are simply overlooking between Google's cooperative, voluntary programs with publishers and the controversial library scanning program. They are entirely different creatures, and anyone commenting on them should understand this. Sadly, too few do. Google Book Search "Hack" Just Normal Operation covers even more common confusion.
Book Search Enters New Era: Microsoft Announces MSN Book Search; Joins Open Content Alliance, A New Digital Library Alliance Makes its Debut, Germany: Publishers Plan Online Book Service, Details about Europe's i2010 Digital Libraries Program Emerge and European Libraries Back Alternative To Google Library Project are all examples that cover how despite some controversial parts of Google Book Search, the service has spurred unprecedented and welcomed renewed activity on digitizing the world's knowledge that remains mostly locked up inside of unsearchable books. But France, Google & The Need for Digitization Project Cooperation covers how sadly, perhaps more cooperation rather than competition is in order.
Google Doing Too Much? They're doing print ads, Google Publication Ads Site & More On Print Ads; WiFi, Google Bidding To Provide Free Wi-Fi To San Francisco; building the stealth portal, Google's Philosophical Ten True Things Not So True Anymore? & Google Launches My Google-Style Personalized Home Page and much, much more. But all this activity makes people wonder if they are finishing things properly or losing focus on the core search that made them what they are. Google Regains Its Hijacked Listing; This Was A Big Deal, Folks!, Major Security Flaw With Google Sitemaps Stats, Google Losing Consistency As It Continues To Experiment With Results and NYT On Yahoo's US Gains & Google's Endless Betas are all examples of that. Others worry that to build deals or grow revenue they are going to sell out or step upon the rights of others as Google SEO Support Given To Advertisers, Google SEO Support Given To Advertisers, Google Toolbar's AutoLink & The Need For Opt-Out, Revisiting The "No Banners On Google" Declaration and Google Base Switches To Force All Searchers Through Jump Pages all illustrate.
Year Of The Map: New Google Maps Now Live covers what ushered in a new chapter of search, the idea that maps can be cool, fun and a useful new way to find local information rather than the standard ten links on a page. Google Debuts Satellite Images upped the stakes with imagery that while isn't that crucial sure can be fun. Windows Live Local Beta is Now Online; Some Global Imagery Also Added has MSN meeting the challenge, and Yahoo Local Expands With City Pages & More User Reviews taking high quality local info into maps as well. Saturday Night Live Skit Mentions MapQuest, Yahoo Maps and Google Maps is a great way to close out the year -- maps so cool they make a SNL skit.
Search Duoism Ends: Google and Yahoo have been the big two voices in search. MSN To Launch Its Own Paid Listings Program & MSN Search Officially Switches To Its Own Technology cover MSN solidifying itself as a new voice of its own. Ask Jeeves already had its own voice on the editorial listings side but New Ask Jeeves Sponsored Listings Program Lets More Advertisers Buy Direct covers it staking out its own paid listings. The year started with two major places to buy search ads; it ends with four. It started with three major editorial search voices; it also ends with four.
Where's The Blog Search?: Google Launches Industrial Strength Blog Search and Yahoo Integrates News, Blogs & Flickr Search Results cover the two major search engines finally getting blog search going, yet the entries are suprisingly light. Problems With Splogs & Time-Based Searching covers some of the challenges good blog search faces. Will the majors step up more?
By Danny Sullivan, Editor
December 29, 2005
Search caught fire last year, with new tools, services and virtually constant activity. Here's a look back at some of the most memorable themes and trends of the past year year.
Your Search Utility: Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Developments With Consumer Search covers many of the things I said would be coming over this year which have gathered pace, especially the idea of the major players being our "search utilities" or "search providers" that we turn to for any search need, not just web search.
Search Advertisers Deserve Better: Search Engine Ad Reps: Friend or Foe? covers a crucial issue of those who helped build up the search market feeling like the search engines themselves now want to push them aside -- and the danger the search engines themselves may face in doing so. Google Separates Bids For Search & Contextual Ads illustrates how Google took three years later, to finally do what advertisers asked it to do from the very beginning. New Google AdWords Site Targeting Allows Advertisers To Pick & Choose is another long desired feature that finally came -- but even more control is still needed by advertisers from both Google and Yahoo, the industry leaders. Google AdSense For Domains Program Overdue For Reform -- And Yahoo & Microsoft Should Also Take Note also shows this, as well. Yahoo Apologizes For Ad Management Problems; Issues Case-By-Case Refunds covers the company that kicked off paid search -- Yahoo-absorbed Overture -- needing to make improvements. Meanwhile, Click Fraud Suit Names Google, Yahoo & Other Search Companies covers some old concerns not having gone away and instead entering the courtroom.
SEOers & Webmasters Get Perks, Need More: Google Base Live, Accepting Content, Google Sitemaps Expands To Give Query & Indexing Stats!, Yahoo Site Explorer Live: New Way To See All Your Pages, Links, Yahoo Bulk Submit Now Live, New "Google Sitemaps" Web Page Feed Program, Yahoo Search Issues Index Weather Report and Google, Yahoo, MSN Unite On Support For Nofollow Attribute For Links all cover the pretty phenomenal moves this year for the search engines to give site owners more control and new tools over how they are indexed. But there's much more that needs to come as Revisiting Hijacking & Redirects: Moving To A Solution and Proposed Search Engine Standard For Titles & Descriptions show as only two examples.
SEO Isn't A Criminal Activity: Worthless Shady Criminals: A Defense Of SEO covers why there are so many reasons everyone should embrace SEO yet it's become so twisted and disrespected in some quarters especially by those who should embrace it. Related is Can We Agree Automated Comment & Link Posting Is A Bad Thing? which covers a tactic that even some of the most aggressive search marketers hate and how a more common voice against it, even if it doesn't stop the tactic, might help the SEO reputation problem.
Search Gets Personalized: Google Personalized Search Leaves Google Labs and Yahoo Integrates Personal & Social Search with MyWeb 2.0 both show how personalized search results aren't just talk but here and now on the major players, real new third-generation leaps after on-the-page and link analysis. But search ads will also get personalized, as AlmondNet Debuts "Post-Search" Search Behavioral Ad Network covers as one example. As search engines learn more about us, Better Search Privacy Needs Addressing Overall covers why more reassurance of protection is needed.
The Link Economy: Yahoo's Jeremy Zawodny Caught In Link Selling Debate, Google's Matt Cutts On Link Selling: Sites Might Not Pass Reputation; Buyers Might Get Targeted More, O'Reilly In Debate Over Link Selling, Stanford Daily Removes Paid Links cover how the "no no" tactic of buying links has probably become more acceptable as the "link economy" the search engines themselves built won't be denied.
Establishing New Trust Signals In Search: Moving To Trusted Links & The Link Election Model, MSN Search Gets Neural Net/RankNet Technology & (Potentially) Awesome New Search Commands, Yahoo My Web: An eBay For Knowledge all cover how if the link economy means you can't take links at face value, search engines are looking at new ways to develop trusted links or other trusted sources to know what's best and good on the web.
Moving Toward Better Search Metrics: End Of Size Wars? Google Says Most Comprehensive But Drops Home Page Count covers a move that maybe, just maybe shows that we'll finally be moving on to seek new metrics to assess search engines by.
Terrible Misunderstandings Of Google Book Search: The Difference Between Google Print & Google Library covers the fundamental differences that many people are simply overlooking between Google's cooperative, voluntary programs with publishers and the controversial library scanning program. They are entirely different creatures, and anyone commenting on them should understand this. Sadly, too few do. Google Book Search "Hack" Just Normal Operation covers even more common confusion.
Book Search Enters New Era: Microsoft Announces MSN Book Search; Joins Open Content Alliance, A New Digital Library Alliance Makes its Debut, Germany: Publishers Plan Online Book Service, Details about Europe's i2010 Digital Libraries Program Emerge and European Libraries Back Alternative To Google Library Project are all examples that cover how despite some controversial parts of Google Book Search, the service has spurred unprecedented and welcomed renewed activity on digitizing the world's knowledge that remains mostly locked up inside of unsearchable books. But France, Google & The Need for Digitization Project Cooperation covers how sadly, perhaps more cooperation rather than competition is in order.
Google Doing Too Much? They're doing print ads, Google Publication Ads Site & More On Print Ads; WiFi, Google Bidding To Provide Free Wi-Fi To San Francisco; building the stealth portal, Google's Philosophical Ten True Things Not So True Anymore? & Google Launches My Google-Style Personalized Home Page and much, much more. But all this activity makes people wonder if they are finishing things properly or losing focus on the core search that made them what they are. Google Regains Its Hijacked Listing; This Was A Big Deal, Folks!, Major Security Flaw With Google Sitemaps Stats, Google Losing Consistency As It Continues To Experiment With Results and NYT On Yahoo's US Gains & Google's Endless Betas are all examples of that. Others worry that to build deals or grow revenue they are going to sell out or step upon the rights of others as Google SEO Support Given To Advertisers, Google SEO Support Given To Advertisers, Google Toolbar's AutoLink & The Need For Opt-Out, Revisiting The "No Banners On Google" Declaration and Google Base Switches To Force All Searchers Through Jump Pages all illustrate.
Year Of The Map: New Google Maps Now Live covers what ushered in a new chapter of search, the idea that maps can be cool, fun and a useful new way to find local information rather than the standard ten links on a page. Google Debuts Satellite Images upped the stakes with imagery that while isn't that crucial sure can be fun. Windows Live Local Beta is Now Online; Some Global Imagery Also Added has MSN meeting the challenge, and Yahoo Local Expands With City Pages & More User Reviews taking high quality local info into maps as well. Saturday Night Live Skit Mentions MapQuest, Yahoo Maps and Google Maps is a great way to close out the year -- maps so cool they make a SNL skit.
Search Duoism Ends: Google and Yahoo have been the big two voices in search. MSN To Launch Its Own Paid Listings Program & MSN Search Officially Switches To Its Own Technology cover MSN solidifying itself as a new voice of its own. Ask Jeeves already had its own voice on the editorial listings side but New Ask Jeeves Sponsored Listings Program Lets More Advertisers Buy Direct covers it staking out its own paid listings. The year started with two major places to buy search ads; it ends with four. It started with three major editorial search voices; it also ends with four.
Where's The Blog Search?: Google Launches Industrial Strength Blog Search and Yahoo Integrates News, Blogs & Flickr Search Results cover the two major search engines finally getting blog search going, yet the entries are suprisingly light. Problems With Splogs & Time-Based Searching covers some of the challenges good blog search faces. Will the majors step up more?
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Berklee College of Music Launches Online Music Business Certificate Program for the Future
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Berklee College of Music Launches Online Music Business Certificate Program for the Future
Berklee College of Music Launches Online Music Business Certificate Program for the Future
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The Future of the Mobile Handset
The Future of the Mobile Handset.
Strategy report by the Boston Consulting Group.
Download full report here.
Strategy report by the Boston Consulting Group.
Download full report here.
A Wake Up Call for Europe – IT Sector Competitiveness
This document reviews the competitiveness of Europe’s technology sector in a global context. Produced in co-operation with the Economist Intelligence Unit, the aim of this study was to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Europe’s information technology firms. The report was based on a survey of 126 IT managers from around the globe conducted in September 2005.
Download full KPMG report.
Download full KPMG report.
AlterNet: The Real Costs of a Culture of Greed
AlterNet: The Real Costs of a Culture of Greed: "iven all this, it is no surprise that leaders, from the White House on down, haven't done right by the people of New Orleans and the rest of the region, before and after what insurance companies insultingly call an 'act of God.'
Fact is, most of them, and especially our president, just don't care about the people who can't afford to attend political fundraisers or pay for high-priced lobbyists. No, these folks are supposed to be cruising on the rising tide of a booming, unregulated"
Fact is, most of them, and especially our president, just don't care about the people who can't afford to attend political fundraisers or pay for high-priced lobbyists. No, these folks are supposed to be cruising on the rising tide of a booming, unregulated"
What Blogs, Podcasts, Feeds Mean to Bottom Line
What Blogs, Podcasts, Feeds Mean to Bottom Line: "he average consumer of blogs, RSS/XML feeds and Podcasts is male, earns big bucks and, in the case of Podcasts, is a youngster—all good to know if your company is thinking about jumping into the blogosphere, according to new research from Jupiter Research."
Add RSS to Your Marketing Mix
Add RSS to Your Marketing Mix: "Only 5 to 10 percent of Internet users have actually tried RSS (define).
So why is RSS getting such high visibility? One reason is early
adopters are a demographically desirable, technically savvy,
information-centric audience. More important, RSS allows you to promote
through a consumer-initiated content feed users sign up for and, hence,
actually want."
So why is RSS getting such high visibility? One reason is early
adopters are a demographically desirable, technically savvy,
information-centric audience. More important, RSS allows you to promote
through a consumer-initiated content feed users sign up for and, hence,
actually want."

This Round's on Satan
Suggestively kinky in-bar posters and placemats from DiMassimo Carr are intended to connect the dots with Duvel, a blonde Belgian ale with a kick.
According to the creative team of Sandy Weber Neidhart and Kevin Gentile, Duvel means devil in Flemish, and the premium-priced brew lives up to its name with an alcohol content of 8.5%. "It's a sensuous experience meant to be savored, and the 'Repent tomorrow' tagline invites consumers to let go and indulge, not only in Duvel but in their whole approach to the evening," they add. Then they pour on the beer porn: "Duvel is a very engaging beer, from the ritualistic slow pour, which creates an unusually large, lustrous head, to the signature swirl of bubbles that continually rise from the bottom of the glass." So in three ads there's a pair of one-guy, two-girl threesomes; we don't have to ask who the target is. "Yes, the beer is targeted more to men than women," they note. "However, the ads are really aimed at anyone who is open-minded enough to try new things." Like foreplay with an eggbeater. "Part of the fun of this campaign is that it's open to interpretation. If you see anything unorthodox going on here, that's all you, my friend." Oh, come on. Isn't it obvious the plunger is for removing the corn on the cob?
Vive la Pub Virale 3M

“3M recently completed an amazing poster-stunt in Vancouver, Canada. They prepped a bus shelter ad with a 3M product called Scotchshield, a see-through film that you can apply to glass which makes it near bulletproof, and filled the postersite with lots of play money, and 500 real Canadian dollars for good measure.
After that they could just sit back and watch the mayhem.
As passers by did their best to put the Scotchshield to the test, kicking the glass, taking sledgehammers to the glass and going all sorts of crazy over it, the glass withstood the pressures and did not budge. It did not break, it could not be broken. Shame one can't say the same about the aluminum frame which was breached, at that point security guards called a time-out as that was cheating. Canadian local and national news shows reported on all the crazy attempts to get into the poster for the cash, all in all 3M got a lot of press for their money - remember there was only 500 real dollars in there and a single poster site was rented for only one day.”
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2046, Wong Kar-Wai

Un écrivain pensait écrire sur l'avenir alors qu'en fait c'était sur le passé . Dans son roman, un mystérieux train partait de temps en temps pour l'an 2046 . Tous ceux qui montaient dans ce train voulaient retrouver leurs souvenirs perdus...
Mais personne n'était jamais revenu de 2046. Seul un d'entre eux avait fait le choix d'en repartir et de changer .
Clip et Critique
PARIS PREMIERE - Vid�: "Voir le clip dans realplayer"
Y'a rien que des mensonges dans les films
Fullscreen QTVR Panorama : Tribute in Light to honor victim of 9/11 terrorist attacks -
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