Hello and welcome to my blog. Here I will share with you my passion about design, the internet, communications, branding and what talented amazing people are creating everyday.
Make your city more exciting
Nice interface, so-so execution and customization. Not as much a "me-too" vis-a-vis Stockholm, but more of a "kinda-like-but-not-really".

Intel Launches Blogger Challenge with Mystery Blogger
- The City Blogger - Jen Chung from The Gothamist
- The Gadget Blogger - Mia Kim from Popgadget
- The Video Blogger - Bre Pettis from Make Magazine
- The Mommy Blogger - Mindy Roberts from The Mommy Blogger
- The Tech Blogger - Paul Stamatiou from Paul Stamatiou
- The Food Blogger - Pim Techamuanvivit from Chezpim
Not only is this one of most unique collections of bloggers that I have ever seen participating in a single promotion, it will also unfold over the next five weeks to offer an interesting window into the art of blogging and what drives bloggers to share their lives and view online, regardless of their "category." Perhaps most interestingly, at noon EST on November 15th we will unveil the identity of our mystery blogger - a person who many have considered to have defined the genre of blogging itself and continues to innovate and remain an inspiration to many other bloggers. Think you know who it is? Share your guess with Intel through the contact form on the site and you could win a prize from Intel. Either way, check out the blogger challenge site, share a comment or thought, and add your voice to the challenge.
Wired News: Social Bookmarking Showdown
The reason that social bookmarking has exploded in the last year is obvious -- storing your bookmarks online instead of in the browser just makes sense.
Social bookmarking services let you keep links to your favorite web destinations in one location that's accessible from any computer on the net. Add the ability to share your favorite web destinations and search through other users' bookmarks to discover new sites, and you've got a highly addictive and truly remarkable phenomenon.
NFL.com - Super Ad
"The NFL wants you! The NFL is going to make the best Super Bowl commercial ever and this is the fans' chance to make that happen. This fall, you the fans, can pitch us your idea for the best NFL Super Bowl commercial ever. The winning pitch may be produced into a TV commercial that will air during Super Bowl XLI to be seen by millions of people! "
Analysis of Political Paid Search Ads

The Rimm-Kaufman Group published an analysis of a handful of political ads that appeared in search engines (mostly Google). Some of the findings: the blues were more negative than the reds but the reds were more numerous, no ad referenced Bush, only two ads linked to videos. The observation I liked the most: "Blue ads were more likely to include an exclamation point. Red ads were more likely to contain a question mark."
There is something haiku about packing powerful political proclamations into the puny 90 characters of an AdWords blurb.