Hello and welcome to my blog. Here I will share with you my passion about design, the internet, communications, branding and what talented amazing people are creating everyday.
Finally, the marketing people at MSN came up with a way to compete with the big dogs in the business. They are currently number three in the search engine rankings, being overtaken by Yahoo and Google. What their looking for with this new promotion is...
"We're hopeful that once people give it shot, they'll want to come back again and again," said Lisa Gurry, director of marketing at MSN Search.
They actually came up with 2 new things to help convert users form Gogle and Yahoo.
Idea #1 - They changed up the look of their MSN Search. They got rid of the Navy Blues and decided to go the plain & glossy route. The new look gives it a much cleaner look, putting them on par with the Google search. Plain and simple is always the best way to go.
Idea #2 - Let's give away free stuff to people who use our search! Yes you read that correctly, MSN is now giving away $1 million in prizes over a 3 month marketing blitz. All you have to do is visit MSN Search search for something and hope for the best. The prizes vary from things like, Plasma TV's to Xbox 360's. To view the full prize list Go Here.
My overall thoughts about this blitz are on a good note. I never used MSN Search in my life, but after hearing about this promotion I decided to give it a shot. To my surprise their search is pretty amazing. The gallery even displayed more results of actual images I was looking for then on the Google Image Search.
Give it a shot, you have nothing to lose, but you might have something to win.
The study "Annual Ad Spending Study: Where & Why Advertisers Are Moving Online" released this week by Outsell, Inc. contains advertiser data about the effectiveness of search keyword, contextual and behavioral advertising online, as well as online versus offline advertising methods.
Included in the findings of 1,200 advertisers controlling an estimated $2.8 billion ad budgets are:
RSS feeds of your local weather are available now via The Weather Channel. Practical applications of RSS such as this are going to push RSS into mainstream use.
The Weather Channel's RSS feeds may sound trivial. However, when the channel began broadcasting 24 hours a day I thought you would have to be some sort of nut to watch it.
May sound nuts, but weather reports via RSS will become the routine.
Source of post: Micro Persuasion
According to the "Marketing and Technology Survey," from Three Deep Marketing, conducted with support from Marketing Sherpa, marketers were adamant about not wanting to be pitched in person or on the phone. 70.9% of the respondents said 'No phone!" and most didn't want a face-to-face meeting, either.
Today, most marketers prefer Web-based presentations and pitches. Links to a Web site and e-mail information were favored.